
Home / Hiking

These are all of our tours that include hiking

Do you like fresh air, peace and quiet, and the sound of birds singing? Do you want to enjoy mesmerizing views of the Adriatic Sea form the top of Croatia’s highest mountains, lie around in mountain meadows or experience mountain climbing? You can do all that and more. You can taste local food specialities you don’t want to miss in Croatia, especially after spending some time in mountain fresh air or doing physical activity. So try bean broth with sausages, roast turkey with mlinci (thin, dried flatbread that is broken up into pieces and mixed with the roasting juices from a roast turkey), roast pork with pickled cabbage or orehnjača (a yeast bread filled with walnuts). Don’t forget ad hoc barbecues in nature started with hardwood branches, no charcoal and barbecue grate, just barbecue fire, sausages and ash-roasted potatoes. If you fancy all that, you can join us.